mmm… insects

I had yet another opportunity to dine on some delectable insects.  I think this time is was grasshoppers and beetles?

angie and a grasshopper
angie and a grasshopper

I have a secret confession to make – I did not actually eat this bug.  Angie did eat quite a few grasshoppers, and while taking this picture, I think the beetle actually touched my toungue for a split second, but I could not bring myself to bite into it.

more on my trip to thailand

I thought I would post some more pictures from my trip to Maha Sarakham in Thailand.

too bad i forgot my heat at home
too bad i forgot my heat at home

And here is a picture from the Mushroom Museum:

i don't think this is a psychdelic mushroom
i don't think this is a psychedelic mushroom

And a few pictures from Laos for good measure:

more delicious lao insects
more delicious lao insects

The students of the NUOL doing their army exercises:

no fake guns this time
no fake guns this time