Girl, you gotta get a job

One of my associates here in St. Lucia was recently offered a job at the conclusion of a Skype interview.  I asked her how she did it.. aside probably being the only applicant, she said what she and her colleague in the same field did was immediately following an interview write down as many interview questions as they could remember.  They then created an interview question library and would be sure to have answers prepared for any of the possible questions they might be asked by revising the question list before any interviews.  This seemed like such a great idea and such a bit of common sense I decided I would try to develop the same type of tool.

I have been madly applying for jobs lately and gotten quite a few interviews.  No offers yet.. but lots of difficult questions to which I sometimes do stumble coming up with answers.  So, I have started keeping an interview question library to help me prepare better for future interviews and nail that potential job offer!

These questions have been given to me at interviews for positions with the following role titles:

  • Information Access Advisor
  • Adviser Information Services
  • Educational Developer


And here is the list, which I will continue to update!

Job Interview question database

Have you had any good or particularly challenging questions at a job interview?